Gender: biological or social construct? Essentialist or constructionist? How do you explain transsexuals?

Question by Russell H: Gender: biological or social construct? Essentialist or constructionist? How do you explain transsexuals?
One of the things that I’ve noticed is that the majority of feminists I’ve heard from or spoke to agree more or less with the constructionist view than the biological essentialist, less grounded in hard science and more from social science literature. As we’re seeing the more we discover about gender and the pre-natal process of androgenization of the brain in the second semester, the more it collides with the more sociological constructionist stand-point.

For those who doubt me, what about the case of David Reimer, a guy whose penis was inadvertently damaged during circumcision, and afterwards was given a vagina, was raised as a female, but after many years of sex reassignment and estrogen injections, never identified as female, didn’t act like a female, and described the experiences as traumatic rather than therapeutic.
The thing is with the constructionist view, if the mind is a blank page, then it is changeable, and if that’s changeable then society’s changeable. The problem with the theory that personality and gender differences are entirely the result of environment, not heredity, is that it is indeed a prescription for just the kind of coercion and tyranny that most conspicuously tried to exploit its possibilities: if everything that we are is just socialization, then the reasonable thing is to socialize us in the best way possible, and that would be through the agency of those who know best. Those who know best, in turn, would be those politically favoured, or at least self-appointed with enough fanfare.
The socialization, in turn, would be a thorough indoctrination which, if done to adults, would have been called brain washing — but then the brain was supposed to have been blank in the first place. Cambodia took this to the logical extreme: if you simply kill the parents, then that leaves the children in the hands of the state by default.
Fortunately, the last line of defence against totalitarianism was the simple fact of human nature. All the power of the state could not really make the “New Man,” and no amount of lies could cover that up indefinitely. The Soviet Union crumbled to reveal the people of 1913 emerging from the shadows, wanting the same things out of life that they did then, without all the bombast, promises, fanfare, and lies.
Meanwhile, the legal regime promoted by feminism in the West serves to damage the position of housewives and mothers, with “no fault” divorce (now being rethought even by feminists), anti-discrimination law and “affirmative action” to promote women and disadvantage traditional breadwinner males in the workplace, and, just as importantly, the denigration of the very idea that a husband owes support to his wife.
If the “personal is political”, then every single action we perform in our house has political connotations, in the end capitalism produces the idea that the personal and political are separate.
Maybe you could say Marxism and Feminism are similar in more ways than one, Marxism was designed to destroy classes in the way Gender Feminism was designed to destroy gender, and therefore mould society into their own ideologies.

Are you an essentialist or a constructionist, or a combination?
Of course transsexuals are not natural, but that doesn’t mean they’re socialised to want to be the opposite sex to that of their body. In other words if a transexual has a male body but a female brain, do you think that he was socialised to feel and want to be a woman.

Best answer:

Answer by Libertad V
Actually there’s a form of marxist feminist which support your point of view since understand as materialism as the cause of male domination. Well… in my point of view that’s not very accurate. Male domination (and role gender but not gender by itself) is a social construction. The trans is the best example, they have born into a body who decided is not according wiht what they are, so they can change the materia in order to fit to her or his individual identity, which can’t be decided for nature or society.

And marxism is not “designed” and is not a tool, is a theory to explain the power and the relation on power relationships and the production media

Add your own answer in the comments!

7 Responses to “Gender: biological or social construct? Essentialist or constructionist? How do you explain transsexuals?”

  • Sindy:

    I just think that if there were no such thing as a ” sex change” then people would not fake suicide attempts to highlight thier plight.

    I have also heard of a term called cis gendered?? Im sure that is wrongly spelt, but hopefully someone will correct me.

    I just think the scene in “the life of brian” where somone wanted to be a woman and have a baby summed it up perfectly! although it was a p1ss take.

  • Untamed Rose:

    I wouldn’t say that feminism is trying to destroy genders……..that’s taking it to far. Most just want to shake it up a little. Are all men intelligent, violent, penis minded, combative and aggressive? umm no…Not all women are submissive, simple and bad at math.
    All I ask…
    Is that individual’s not be judge by gender standards.

    Some studies show there are almost no differences between men and women…………..which do you believe? I’ve got several that say this from the APA.

  • daddyrizq:

    Wow, you phrased what many avoid, a comprehensive layout as to how the social dynamics may initially effect a persons foray into the false notion that they are a transgendered person, but the many factors that lend support to encourage that person to pursue it are social. There has been an assault on women by women. Many children have suffered irreparable damage from the women being absent during the child’s formative years. Each generation becoming more insoluble.

  • yarking lunchloaf:

    Both, of course. One can’t deny that socialization has an effect, but I believe gender is a biological construct. The fact that some people develop what they percieve as a dominant identification with the opposite gender can be explained by both socialization and exploration of self-reinforcing behaviors on the part of the individual. The latter is probably much more important than the former. What starts out as dabbling (primarily mental), ends up defining.

    But nobody ever switches sex. The brain might be willing, but the body is recalcitrant. Best anyone can do is chop it up until it outwardly mimics the other sex.

    And I do think feminism has had a hand in changing the public perception of people that go to such extremes from people with serious mental issues to healthy people that sought corrective surgery, and I can’t say I think that’s a positive development. Or that the effort promulgated an accurate assessment.

  • WildWolf:

    Transsexuals are not natural.

  • GoodQuestion:

    I usually read the info in questions. However, your question contained the answer with lack of pointing out personal reflection concerning belief.

  • Robert G:

    Thats some fancy talkin’ for something that basicaly means:

    Do you bleive (a) if you are born with a penis, you are male and born with a vigina you are female, or (b) does your own perception and socialization determine your gender.

    I go with A