Posts Tagged ‘nielsen.flv’

double shot mould injection groupon london weather leslie nielsen.flv

double shot mould injection groupon london weather leslie nielsen
Video Rating: 5 / 5

What the title says really. Its the entire AS EDEXCEL course in Product Design crammed into 9 and a half minutes so that you can revise for your exam with ease (somewhat). Yes I know the music is ridiculous. This only covers AS so if you are studying A2 then you will need to revise that separately. You will also probably notice that manufacturing processes are not included… That is because you write about those in the coursework and everyone who does DT knows what injection moulding is. DISCLAIMER: I do not own Star Wars, Justice League, X-men Evolution, Princess Mononoke or the Nico Nico Douga, or any of the music related to them. I do not own ANY of the images used in this video. The purpose of this video is PURELY EDUCATIONAL and any entertainment I do not claim to be responsible for.
Video Rating: 5 / 5