Posts Tagged ‘same’

Are the effects of skin whitening pills the same as in creams and injections?

Question by lolwhut.: Are the effects of skin whitening pills the same as in creams and injections?
Do not compare me to Micheal Jackson. He was not Asian. And he did numerous amounts of plastic surgery. I, however, have nothing against his white skin due to his Vitiligo.
So please, all I ask is for a mere straight forward answer instead of a “No! LoVe ThE wAy YoU aRe!”, etc, or else I’ll laugh. Because I don’t think I could afford them either way.

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Should a man be allowed to go to a doctor for steroid injections in the same way women go in for diet pills?

Question by Smart Mark: Should a man be allowed to go to a doctor for steroid injections in the same way women go in for diet pills?
If he is over 18, in good health and not playing a competitive sport.

Right now the government says it’s illegal. But it’s totally legal for fat women to take diet pills with nasty side effects (more dangerous than steroids) and cosmetic surgery.

It should also be noted that there are more deaths from diet pill overdoses and botched plastic surgeries than steroid overdoses.

Best answer:

Answer by whimsy
Well, men can get diet pills, too.

Further, go have a breast enhancement if it makes you feel special

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what plastic can be injection molded and has the same density as pure methyl alcohol?

Question by kelli p: what plastic can be injection molded and has the same density as pure methyl alcohol?
chemistry or engineering category.

Best answer:

Answer by acidcrap
Are you talking about vapor density or do you mean the specific gravity?

Another determining factor would the application for this plastic. Off the top of my head I can’t quote you any special types of plastics. All of my reference books are at work. But plastic isn’t all the same. Do you need a crystalline or amorphous plastic for your application? Will it be coming in contact with chemicals, heat, etc.

You might want to check out this web site.

This is one of the biggest injection molding magazines for the business. They do have a forum there where they might be able to help you with your question.

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